Thursday, March 4, 2010
Ryan Molenkamp gets into 4Culture
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Portfolio Reviews at PCNW
I've been invited to be a reviewer for a Photographic Center Northwest Members' Event: Foto Revu, Saturday, February 7
The FOTO REVU is a unique opportunity for members to receive one-on-one professional critiques by some of the Northwest's most respected people in the field of photography including gallery owners, museum curators, publishers, artists & educators. In the last decade photo review events have become the primary venue for fine art photographers to network & show their work to people that can make a difference in their future. Experiencing Foto Revu is an excellent stepping stone to participating in the international review events such as Fotofest, Review LA, Photolucida, PhotoNOLA and Review Santa Fe.

Northwest filmmaker Jon Behrens hosts and curates this new film series that is held once a month at the Vermillion Gallery. Each month a different film program. So we would like to invite you down to the Vermillion and enjoy a free movie and have a drink and maybe get something to eat . All the films screened are shown on beautiful 16mm and are from Jon Behrens and friends private collections of film prints.
I have paired two classic Japanese films from ToHo studios, these are the people who brought you loads of giant monster movies during the 1950's through the 00's . This time the monsters are mother nature. The first film is GORATH (1962) The film depicts a runaway star on a collision course with Earth in the then-future decade of the 1980s. Unlike most other impact event stories, in which mankind must abandon the Earth (When Worlds Collide) or destroy the threat (Deep Impact, Armageddon), Gorath sees humanity attempt to avert disaster by disengaging Earth from its own orbit around the Sun. The Second film is Tidal Wave (1974) This is a badly re-edited and "Americanized" version of a popular Japanese disaster movie, The Submersion of Japan (1973). The trouble begins when scientists learn that Japan's islands are sinking and must be evacuated within two years. The story chronicles the ways in which various people react to the decree.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Dinner and a Movie: Sunday January 17 7PM

$25/person or $40/couple. Tickets available at Brown Paper Tickets. Buy tickets HERE
Guest Chef: Andre Hopper First Course: Roasted garlic soup, cream-based and robust with an aromatic hint of thyme. Second Course: Fresh spinach salad with slivered almonds, fennel, shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano and an orange vinaigrette dressing. Third Course: Herb-crusted tenderloin, slow-roasted in clarified butter and served with red potatoes and seasonal veggies. Wine, beer, and spirits available - happy hour prices from 4-7pm.About the Movie: Northwest filmmaker Jon Behrens hosts and curates this new film series once a month at Vermillion Gallery. A different film program and meal is held on the third Sunday of every month. Each of the film programs will have a menu item specifically designed to go with the film. So we would like to invite you to Vermillion to enjoy a free movie and a great meal and maybe have something to drink. All the films screened are shown on beautiful 16mm and are from Jon Behrens and friends' private collections of film prints.
Sunday, January 17th: JESSE JAMES MEETS FRANKENSTEIN'S DAUGHTER is a low-budget Western/horror hybrid film released in 1966, in which a fictionalized version of the real-life Western outlaw Jesse James encounters the fictional granddaughter (the movie's title notwithstanding) of the famous Dr. Frankenstein. John Lupton, who plays the part of Jesse James, is actually a bit too old for the role. When the film was made, Lupton was already 38 years old. The real-life Jesse James died before his 35th birthday.
Winter Lights: Explorations in Self-Illuminated Art

Winter Lights: Explorations in Self-Illuminated Art
Open Thursday, Jan 14, 2010 through Feb 7, 2010
Opening night party, 5 - 8pm, Jan 14th
Artists panel discussion on Wed, Jan 20th, 7:30 - 8:30pm.
As winter nights become long and dark, we rely on electricity to lighten our spirits. This show reflects the human fascination with manipulating light and electricity to shape sensory experience. Works from eight artists and art groups will both delight the senses through self-illumination, and intrigue the mind through their exploration of technology as a creative medium. You'll find projects ranging from small animated light sculptures, to large scale, interactive computer vision and laser displays.
- Curtis Erlinger : Shedding Light
- Eric McNeill : Post-temporal
- Randy Moss : Untitled
- The UberGeek Project : A Storm in the H.E.Ai.D.
- Josh Kopel and Robert Gallup : Slow Light
- Simon Winder : Chaos Theremin, Dekatronic Gooberzuber, 8675309
- Shelly Farnham : Seeing, Hearing, Speaking Light
- Jeff Larson : There Will Be Silicon
- Jordan Schwartz : Bees
Curated by Shelly Farnham, Eric McNeill, and friends of Dorkbot. Shelly Farnham and Eric McNeill have been on the Dorkbot-Seattle committee since 2005. Dorkbot-Seattle showcases innovative trends in contemporary art by bringing together artists and technologists who work with electricity in a significant way either in their art or in its creation.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sharon Arnold's Blog
Dimensions Are Variable
Monday, June 22, 2009
Intern Wanted
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, September 1, 2008
Villains, Super Villains, Heroes & Super Heroes!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Classroom Classics & Passage to Bangkok
We have really cool 16mm movies this Friday at 8pm and also the new art show is pretty Hi-lariously cheesy. The Thai posters are funny. Here's a little info from a web site that is dedicated to teaching people about the Thai movie poster art form:
The descriptive, exaggerated style of painting used to promote the first Thai movies has long been loved by film buffs, but has only recently become regarded as part of Thailand's cultural heritage.
Characteristically, there is an abundance of detail, with the film’s heroes always dominating the painting. A package of smaller images is added around their picture, showing some events of the film to attract filmgoers.
You can read more at: Bangkok Recorder
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Currently Hanging
The Stranger Slog
Hollywood Pulpcore Friday 5/2/08 6-10p

Who killed Marilyn Monroe?
San Diego artist and author David Russell Talbott says he knows, and reveals this and other dark secrets from Tinseltown's heyday in his upcoming illustrated book, "HOLLYWOOD PULPCORE". Talbott will be bringing his touring art show to Vermillion on May 2, 2008. The gallery will be displaying numerous original paintings from the book and the artist will be on hand to meet the public. Here's his web site.More about David Russell Talbott
David Russell Talbott comes from a California family filled with painters, musicians, and one B-Movie scream queen. He spent over ten years in the indie rock scene before dropping his guitar in favor of a paintbrush.
His artwork was first popular in the West Coast music scene, completing over one hundred flyers for various music venues in Southern California. David then created his art style called "PULPCORE", influenced by the vintage pulp of the Forties and Fifties. His images are filled with a cast of characters you'd find in classic crime fiction and film noir.
Since his first show in the late nineties, he has exhibited across the US and has been published internationally. His artwork has been seen in JUXTAPOZ, Sleek Magazine (Berlin), & San Diego CITYBEAT. His “HOLLYWOOD EATS ITS OWN” art series is now being turned into a fully illustrated book.
David will be available for interviews in Seattle starting April 28th. The "Hollywood Pulpcore" art show will run thru June 30, 2008.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
New Stuff

I don't know if this is interesting to anybody but I have some pictures of new stuff for Vermillion.
Here we have a church pew that I am re-upholstering. I got it at the Re-Store. I love that place. This will go along one side of the wall in the restaurant so a crowd can sit together.
This is the mirror that used to be in Kincora's. Thanks to Dawn and Shea for that. It's giant.

Art on Thursday
Capitol Hill has always been a destination for art and culture but now our humble block is coming alive with Vermillion and Grey Gallery and Lounge providing a new opportunity to see upcoming and career artists in a gallery setting with the luxury of a more casual setting. This Thursday, Grey is having an opening for Amy Ellen Flatchestedmama Trefsger. Also, highly recommended is the "Bookish" exhibit curated by Carrie E.A. Scott at the Hedreen Gallery just down the street at Seattle U.
We're showing Consumer Conquest by Stacey Farrar. Stacey is exploring the idea of endless consumerism and planned obsolescence with his "breathing piles of consumer items" and intricate drawings of soon-to-be-extinct items like cassette mixapes and incandescent lightbulbs. Throughout April.

Experimental Films by Jon Behrens

I just sent an email about this. Here are the details:
Friday, 4/11/8, 8PM. (Donation)
We're inaugurating the 10'x10' movie screen with films by local film luminary Jon Behrens. Jon is a prolific filmmaker as well as a collector of vintage TV, movies and commercials. This Friday we're showing his highly acclaimed collection of short works with snacks and wine. He's organizing future events here featuring vintage 60's toy commercials and Sci-Fi classics, reviving the program he used to have on the back porch at Linda's Tavern.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Arcade Magazine Launch Party - Issue 26:03

Arcade Magazine has chosen Vermillion to unveil their latest issue, feature edited by Cara Rose DeFabio and touching on Fashion and Design. Join us this Thursday for wine, food and to see the newest issue. Also, art by Marianne Goldin as well as concepts from Graypants, Erin Kendig, Design Kompany, and Stacey Farrar.
P.S. In the mass email that was sent out the link to Graypants was not correctly linked. If you'd like to see their site go here:
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sorren and Screen

The bar is finished and we are applying the endless layers of lacquer to the top. We're showing Joe Sorren in the front window while we finish up the back. Joe is one of the most successful artists in the Pop Surrealism realm and has appeared on the cover of Communication Arts, inside Juxtapoz, and has had a few solo exhibits at prominent galleries nationwide. This is a limited edition print that is in a custom frame and behind UV Plexi. It's approximately 32x52". Inquire for price.

We also put up a giant 10'x10' movie screen in the back, which has been loaned to us by Jon Behrens, so look forward to some 16mm movie nights in the near future.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
BittersweetsNY on the Today Show
I forgot to post this last week but it's still not too late for Valentines Day! My sister had her jewelry featured on the Today Show last week. There's a store called "Store Adore" that compiles cool sites and her shop, BittersweetsNY was one of them. Here's the link - it's the second to last item in the segment (around 3:15)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Leilani Lanes
Here is finally an update as to how the rest of the buildout is going. Jerry is putting the old Leilani Lanes on top of the bar and we're going to paint the floors this week. The art is in hiatus for February to keep things from getting bumped or dusty during the big construction push. We're hoping to open the entire place in March with a grand opening art show and full wine bar.
More updates soon!
Kellie Talbot
The ever talented Kellie Talbot was nice enough to drop this amazing painting by for inclusion in the semi-permanent salon at The Hideout. Drop by for a drink and see it in person.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Serial Attention

Sometimes I forget; this blog won't write itself! Cripes, this got a lot of attention. It started with Regina Hackett at the PI. Then KOMO 4 picked it up which brought it to the attention of Ken Scram, who blessed it with a "Schrammie". Now Ryan Hobson, the game's creator, is getting solicited by every news agency in the country. Keep your eyes peeled for something to run on Fox News, Chicago Public Radio, and others.
Of course, this all happens three days before the Gathering show is over, which is a mixed blessing - we don't get the benefit of the national publicity directly, but we also don't have to deal with the fanatical critics or morbidly curious masses. Rest assured, Ryan really is a nice kid and we wish him success with getting the game produced, regardless of the complaints that its tasteless. We live in a tasteless society (that has a bizarrely wide knowledge of Serial Killer Trivia, thanks to movies, books and the media).
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Next Show: Gathering
A group show for narrative artists that also benefits the Northwest Harvest Food Bank
When: December 7 – January 30, 2007.
Opening Friday Dec. 7, 6-9pm
Participating artists to date:
Billy Morehouse
Josh Slater
Jessica Logsdon
Chris Ryniak
Jason Kronenwald
Ryan Hobson
Rachel Maxi
Kellie Talbot
Joey Veltkamp
Kamala Dolphin-Kingsley
Keith Noordzy
Holiday Greetings

Gosh, it really happened fast this year...
So here we have a little detail from a piece that Kamala Dolphin Kingsley is submitting. I sent out a big email today with the latest news and a sneak preview of Gathering. In a couple weeks I'll send and post all the details about the opening, especially info on the food drive that we're doing for Northwest Harvest. Yes, a food drive. And we're not talking bulk rice and beans and bread, but more info later...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Logik -al

I can't let another poor internet access day go by without updating my favorite...
There's another new artist for gathering. The list is by no means complete. I have another almost week to flesh out the final roster. The generosity of the artists involved is already impressive. Enthusiasm is a rare gift. Here is a little sample of a soon to be famous NY based artist who goes by LogikOne. I want to showcase everyone and every piece on this blog but I also want to not spoil the surprise.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Artists and News

Chris Ryniak has some monsters to add to the "Gathering" show. He has this cool book that, I believe, is self published. It's only $15 and available on his site.
This next art show is actually also going to be a fundraiser for NW Harvest, which is a local food bank organization that provides food to over 300 independent food banks and meal programs throughout Washington State.
I'm not ashamed to admit that many lean years as a starving artist acquainted me with the Fremont and U-District food banks. One time they had crates and abundant crates of strawberries that were a day away from dissolving into puddles. I used them in a series of still life photos and then we all ate as many as we could. They were going to have to be thrown away anyway. So food banks help creative minds in more ways than one.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
New Art for "Gathering" - Gum Blondes
Friday, November 9, 2007
"Art That Tells or Sells"
I've finally condensed it into something more of a soundbite: "Art That Tells or Sells" - A product, idea, feeling or story. I'm still fleshing out the details but that's it for now. You're going to see illustrators, painters, photographers etc... who have a knack for one or more of those four elements.
The Latest Addition to "Gathering"

As previously posted, the next show is a group show entitled "Gathering". No heavy theme, just a gathering of all different types of artists to give an art related holiday shopping option and to help benefit the NW Harvest food bank. The latest artist to throw their hat in the ring is Mike Scheer. Mike does art in many mediums, including video (you may have seen a video he did for Built to Spill) that has a sweet, fantastical theme. Here's a sample of his work. The title of this one is "Creature Sitting on Tree Stump Reaching into Snake's Mouth
to Retrieve Stolen Platypus Egg with Platypus
Observing". Mike uses a technique called "Haystacking" which is basically tiny dots that overlap into lines - the same technique as with pointilism, but with a ball point pen instead of colored paint. This is just one of many painstaking originals on his site, which I highly recommend you visit:
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Seattle Weekly
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
First Post
Ok, on to better things, albeit, very sloooooowwwwwly...........
This is the Vermillion blogspot. As you can see by the "about me", Vermillion is a gallery in Seattle that recently opened. I'm the owner and I'm going to attempt to use this as possibly a more casual blog. I kind of hate myspace, and friendster. I just can't get into them but I'll also attempt to keep those sites updated. It's just too many things to try to think of, remember, format, etc... Myspace is super fug, in my opinion, no matter how much people tweak it. I know a thing or two about programming and design and I think myspace is probably the hardest thing in the world to wrap your head around. I'm pretty sure somebody is going to invent one interface that you can use to update all of your networking sites at once.
The reason I like blogger is because it is fairly simple and it is actually turning out to be a cool way for artists to show their work. I can say firsthand that I have curated shows solely by what I've seen on an artists blogger site, regardless of whether the artist has an "official" site or not. Blogger is pretty straightforward and it is part of my google sign in so that makes it easy too.
Well, enough about that. I'm now going to start linking to other artists' blogger sites to give a better idea of what Vermillion is all about and who I admire. I will also post their work here if they don't mind.
Thanks for reading, send me suggestions and comments! Diana Adams